Destined for DOON

Donnerstag, Oktober 22, 2015


Destined for Doon 
Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon

When Mackenna Reid left the land of Doon to follow her dream, of a Broadway career , she thought she was making the right decision. But nearly a year later, Kenna still can't shake visions of the prince she left standing on the edge of the Brig o' Doon - a an who now must surely hate her. When Duncan shows up unexpectedly in her dressing room, begging her to return to Doon, she agreed to got, but only for the sake of her best friend, Veronica. She's determined not to fall for Duncan again - or to let Duncan fall for her. 

Back in Doon, Veronica is in over her head. Nor all the citizens of Doon are eager to accept her as their new queen, and, worse, a mysterious evil has crossed the border, threatening the kingdom from every direction. Veronica longs to team up with Jamie for support, but lately she's begun to suspect that he sees her as nothing more than a powerless figurehead - and an incompetent one at that. As Mackenna and Veronica reunite to save Doon from the growing darkness, they discover that the threat is even greater - and more dangerous - than they imagined, and a happily ever after might be out of reach. 


Release Date: 2.09.2014
Publisher: Blink
ISBN: 978-0310742333
Pages: 344
Language: Englisch
Price: 13,10 (Gebundene Ausgabe)


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